Monday, February 16, 2009

My Grandma...

I've been thinking a lot about my Grandparents lately... I feel so lucky to have all four Grandparents living close by. We get to visit them and learn from them often. The other night my Grandma Haymond came and watched my boys so Matt and I could have a much needed night out. She is in her early 70's and still full of energy and fun as if she were in her 20's. When I was little she would take me ice skating with my friends and she would skate with us. Grandma would jump and twirl on the ice and we all thought she was wonderful. That night with my boys she brought them balloons, a simple little thing, and again they thought she was wonderful. I was told yesterday that Grandma had found a cancerous spot on her ear which needed to be removed. It's a worry. I feel like my time with these wonderful people is quickly fading, and all I want to do is capture every moment I have with them. I never though my children would have relationships with my Grandparents, but they do and It has meant the world to me, the kindness and love that they have shown my boys.


Jessie said...

I bet it is nice to have them so close to home now after their world travels. I can just picture your grandma ice skating. She is full of life. Hope all goes well with her surgery.

Knudsen Crew said...

Your boys are lucky to have such neat grandparents that all live so close! Don't you just love Grandma's?!