Saturday, January 3, 2009

Saying Good- bye to an old Friend...

Yes, Pepsi has been my friend for a while now. I tend to visit it at least once a day. It has comforted me on bad days, given me a little pick me up on long days, helped me be the nice mom on rough days, and brought cheer on happy days. But this long time friend has betrayed me by leaving its mark around my middle. I have no choice but to say good-bye.
Hooray for a healthier me.


Brock and Arrienne said...

haha I love how you put it. Sounds like a good new years resolution! I am trying to give up a few of my own favorites. I tend to eat a lot of candy! Which is probably why I have three cavities right now! Good luck to you.

Jessie said...

That is a hard friend to say good-bye too. Pepsi and I use to be friends too! Be prepared to have a headache or two until your body is use to not having it. Keep us updated on how it is going. Great goal.

Megan said...

I'm right there with you. We can do it! Right?

Knudsen Crew said...

Good New Year's Resolution... Good luck!

Brooke said...

haha I like that you blogged about it. Well not only am I saying good-bye to some friends (chocolate among other things)I am going to make a new friend the treadmill! we're hanging out in the morining.

Jennifer Bowman said...

Good luck and good new years resolution! Diet Coke is my old friend too and I'm trying to say goodbye! :)