Hunter is a Super Hero in my eyes. From the moment he was born, 1 month early with undeveloped lungs, struggling to breath, he has shown me the power in Faith. Last night we saw again his super Faith powers in action. We have had a bad case of the flu at our house, spreading from one member of the family to the next. It started with Grant, who still is struggling to eat normally. I got it next and felt like I was dieing. I still have a lingering head ache. Last night it was Hunter who was under the weather at 11:00pm. I got up and changed his sheets and got him in the bath tub. He was squirming around with a belly ache, and then in a sweet voice said " Heavenly Father will help me." It truly brought tears to my eyes. The faith of a seven year old. We said a little prayer and he fell right to sleep. This morning he woke up cheerful and ready for school. He ate three pieces of toast and went out the door. He really has shown me that all you need is Super Hero Faith.
Today I went to the fabric store, just for something to do, and found this new Amy Buttler book, 30% off! It has the cutest patterns for baby clothes and shoes and crib bedding. I'm the most interest in the cute diaper bag. I hope I can figure it out! Can't wait to get started.
Today was one of those day when I am so thankful that I'm the oldest in my family and remember the struggles my Mom and Dad had with the other kids... This is Grant after his eye doctor appointment yesterday where we were told that he needs to wear an eye patch on his left eye for 4-5 hours a day to help strengthen his right eye. Normally a thing like this would shake me, but I remember my Mom working with my brother Jordan, trying to get him to wear an eye patch, at this very age. She tried all kinds of fun tricks, stickers, treats, prizes. This pirate patch is the trick we are trying right now and for today it is working. We will see how long Grant can stand being "Captain Grant" .
Yes, Pepsi has been my friend for a while now. I tend to visit it at least once a day. It has comforted me on bad days, given me a little pick me up on long days, helped me be the nice mom on rough days, and brought cheer on happy days. But this long time friend has betrayed me by leaving its mark around my middle. I have no choice but to say good-bye. Hooray for a healthier me.