Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Super Bummer Day...

Well, I went for my ultrasound today which was supposed to be a fun and exciting right, WRONG!
They couldn't tell if it was a boy or girl which was a little depressing today since I had planned a trip to Park City to do some shopping.
Then they said the baby looked really small, so they moved my due date back two weeks. Im sorry but you don't tell a pregnant woman her due date is wrong by that much. It's painful! So my new due date is September 10th which is Hunter's birthday. I'm scheduled for another ultrasound in 4 weeks, which is the third bummer because that is a whole month away. What a day I've had. So, If you didn't get that expected phone call today, I'm sorry, I had to do a little pouting and regrouping. Tomorrow will be a better day.


Jessie said...

I am sorry your day didn't go as planned. Don't they know that you don't mess with a pregnant lady that has a PARK CITY shopping trip planned! Way sorry. It could be good news in away, they can usually tell right away if it's a boy so maybe GIRL! They told me today that I will find out in six weeks so we are all going to know around the same time!

Tiffany said...

Sorry for the way crappy day! At least you usually go early anyway- so hopefully it won't be too much later huh!?

chelsea said...

I'm sorry for the bump back...I know how you feel. At least you found out now and not 3 weeks before you thought you were due or end up going 41 1/2 weeks like me. It is better to have them over cooked than under though. Hang in there!!! It'll all be over soon and you'll have another incredibly adorable little baby in your fam!!

Knudsen Crew said...

Bummer! Too bad they couldn't tell... Was it just the position of the baby? It would have been nice if they would have done an ultrasound on your first appointment to confirm your due date instead of changing it half way through. Sorry! Maybe you will have to sneak over to the mall to peek...

Maria said...

That is definitely disappointing, but on the bright side, the little Knudsen cousins will be even closer together in age...triple trouble! Hang in there, hopefully it will be something to laugh about soon. :)

Amy said...

Noo!! i'm so sorry, Melissa. I know that can be SOOO frustrating--on both counts! we were told we needed to come back and find out when we had Eve and that was really disappointing, but the DUE DATE?? lame-o. you have every right to pout about it. i hope your day is better tomorrow.

Brittanie said...

SO SORRY! I know this feeling because it's EXACTLY what happened with Allyssa. I will need to tell you all those details later. In the meantime pamper yourself and BUY something for you!