Sunday, March 22, 2009

Two Amazing Sisters...

These beauties are my amazing Sisters, Andrea and Brooke...
I'm not sure what my life would be without them.

My cute sister Andrea is studding to be a nurse and is super busy with school and studding and work, but every Tuesday night without fail she is at my house, ready to watch my boys so that I can go do my calling in Young Women's. Last Tuesday we were running late, and I left her with dishes on the table, the boys needing baths, and homework not done yet. When I came home the house was spotless, the boys were bathed and jammied and homework was done. She also got the boys to clean their rooms and play room. She really took over and I just love her for that. Thanks Andie, you really do a ton for me.

This is Brookie, my boys second Mom... Brooke is always there when I need some help, which is quite often. This past month I have had every sickness under the sun, not to mention just the usual pregnancy yuckies. I struggled to get out of bed and wasn't sure how I was going to be the Mom. My sister Brooke saved the day. She was at my house early almost every morning, she played with my kids and took care of their needs, she cleaned my house so that we could still live in it. She was Amazing. Every mom needs a Brookie and I'm so grateful to have her help and friendship. Brooke is going away for school this fall, and I'm really not sure what we will do while she is away. I love you Brooke.


Jessie said...

They are both going to be the best mommies! I am jealous that you live close to them and have that great help!

Megan said...

They're lucky to have you, too. Could you guys adopt me?

Knudsen Crew said...

Aren's sisters great?! That is awesome that you have them so close to help!